Now only I know how it feels...
When you're alone, like 3 days, totally alone, you can really think of the most most god-damn negative story of yours, and invent the most emo quote you'd ever heard.
You'll flash back, what had you done for the past 18 years...
Listen to the musics that remind you a lot, like seriously a lot...
'Reason' in the rainy day, sounds awful huh?
Conclusion for these lonely 3-days : Don't study on your bed, you'll fall asleep!
Naa, nothing much to say. Ciaox! =P
Here's my favorite song to share with you! <3
P/S : Elmo loves me, so I love Elmo back! <3 Muackzzz!
Hmmmm. I shall really take you back home you know =S