Archive for September 2012

Random short shitty post

posted by ♂YY♀ on ,


Nyeh. *Get influenced by karine and keep on NYEH ing these days. LOL*
Good morning everyone!
Suddenly feel like wanna write something here.
What am I doing early in the morning *2.30am* ?
Nyeh, I got test tomorrow, studying, *as if i'm studying now*
So, nCr equals to n factorial over r factorial and (n minus r) factorial. [random]
While Karine told me that AP/GP *either one, can't remember which one she told me*  can be used in Accounting, for depreciation. LOLOL.
Karine, Oh Karine, You are so insane!
BTW, I got an assignment recently.
Pure Maths, under differentiation, and the question sounds like Economics question, for market equilibrium.
LOLOLOLOL. We are studying ALL IN ONE! How insane we are! Huahuahuahua *evil laugh*
You're right, we are so-called A-Levels ABOVE THE REST, the standard must be there or somewhere else right? XD Ahak. Flattered ady.
I know this post is totally shit but I loike random posts and creating palm faces from you guys. LOL.
Hahaha. Peace. Good night. =)


posted by ♂YY♀ on ,

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I wanna start this post with a quote...
"Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life;
         But do let a happy day make you feel like you have everything in the world!"
--------------------Quote by BigMan's angel, YinYin...

Besides the "Why Can't I?", I got a new quote to motivate myself recently.
Not really to motivate actually, just wanna make myself better.
Don't need further explanation for this I guess? I just want everyone around me to be happy.

We are no longer those kids playing around the field and keep on writing "I have a pen, my pen is blue; I have a friend, my friend is you." poem in friends' notebooks.
And I, can no longer define happy. Naa. Not just about smiling face. It's happy. The real happiness.

Everyone around me is clearly knowing what they wanna do after this.
Lawyer-to-be, doctors-to-be, accountants-to-be, engineers-to-be....
Hmm. When I look at myself...
What am I in future? =/ I have no idea...
Christopher said he was sick that day. Emotionally sick. LOL
And I was randomly affected by the emotionally sick.
I'm not claiming that I'm unhappy right now.
Just hardly to feel happy these days.
YY was used to be a very easily satisfied girl.
She can be very excited and smiles all day long when someone she likes smiled and waved to her,
or even she get free samples from stalls. LOL.

I feel... Clueless. I want to be ambitious like them.
I wanna plan to go to particular universities like them.
I wanna know my own direction like them. =/ I really want to.

I'm sick. I can't even lie down and sleep well.
Every single breathe is incomplete.
I hang myself on the balcony, no star gazing, but staring at the empty streets, leave my brain blank as well.
I tried to take deep breath. *Inhale* *Inhale* *Exhaleeeeee*
What's wrong with me...
Where is the why-can't-i spirit.
Where is the happy-go-lucky YY.
Karine said I was too stress? Did I?
I feel something pressing (or pushing) me very hard when I'm on the bed.

I'm sick. But there's no medicine out there for me.
I just need a giant big fat hug. :'(

Oh, like a teddy bear =/

Best Independence Day Ever in YY's Life!

posted by ♂YY♀ on , , ,


Early in the morning, I had to wake up, no matter how tired I was,
I was on a date with my darlingsss. XD
As we took part in the "End Child Hunger" (A charity walk) event, we got 50% discount Sunway Lagoon tickets for full park!
The weird thing was, I didn't go with a big group.
At first we weren't that excited, I thought it would be a boring day for me.
Surprisingly! Went to Theme park with a few friends is totally awesome!
Daphne and Karine are more than enough!

 We are that awesome, no doubt. =D
Our first station was the Pirateship, Spinning Cup and Tomahawk!
Gosh. I'm here to confess that, I HATE THE CUPS!
After playing that shitty-cup, I can feel the spinning world.
Luckily I just drank some milk for breakfast that day.
Grr. Feel dizzy like hell for the next few hours. =(
Well, as you know, cute guys are my food and medicine!! XD
After stalking cute guys in Lagoon, I felt super energetic again.
Ughh. YY is just that weird!

We went to Lagoon from the opening hour till they closed down every game.
We were so lucky to be the last to experience Flying Fox (Karine said it was "FireFox").
And hey hey hey guys! I went to Scream park!
Rawrr~ I should never underestimate those fake ghosts and zombies. LOL
We were scared like hell!
I was like dragging Daphne in the haunted house.
It was about 15 to 20 minutes journey to go through the haunted house.
OMG. Those freaks were so awesome!
Their make up were so real!
Uggh, I ended up holding the bag of the guy in front of me throughout the journey. LOL.
If you give me a second chance to Lagoon, I guess I won't go to that hell for second time. -,-

OKAI. Nothing much to say. I LOVE THEM!
I got my best Independence Day ever! Happy Birthday Malaysia!!!