Random short shitty post

posted by ♂YY♀ on ,


Nyeh. *Get influenced by karine and keep on NYEH ing these days. LOL*
Good morning everyone!
Suddenly feel like wanna write something here.
What am I doing early in the morning *2.30am* ?
Nyeh, I got test tomorrow, studying, *as if i'm studying now*
So, nCr equals to n factorial over r factorial and (n minus r) factorial. [random]
While Karine told me that AP/GP *either one, can't remember which one she told me*  can be used in Accounting, for depreciation. LOLOL.
Karine, Oh Karine, You are so insane!
BTW, I got an assignment recently.
Pure Maths, under differentiation, and the question sounds like Economics question, for market equilibrium.
LOLOLOLOL. We are studying ALL IN ONE! How insane we are! Huahuahuahua *evil laugh*
You're right, we are so-called A-Levels ABOVE THE REST, the standard must be there or somewhere else right? XD Ahak. Flattered ady.
I know this post is totally shit but I loike random posts and creating palm faces from you guys. LOL.
Hahaha. Peace. Good night. =)


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